Episode 11

Environmental Condition: How the Built Environment Impacts Human Behavior, Mental & Physical Health

Published on: 15th November, 2023

Join us on this insightful episode as we explore the profound impact of the built environment on human behavior, mental and physical health. We investigate how architecture, city planning, and community design, can either promote or discourage certain behaviors. Discover how people living in green spaces tend to be more physically active, have a sense of community, and less likely to suffer from depression & anxiety. In contrast, individuals in environments with high levels of pollution and noise are prone to experiencing stress and health problems. Learn how designing public spaces plays a pivotal role in enhancing social interactions in communities and how implementing proper environmental design leads to healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable communities.

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About the Podcast

Think Piece
Questioning Reality
The think piece is centered around the questioning of reality as we know it. Each episode takes you through disciplines such as philosophy, science, art and architecture while presenting perspectives from different minds and societies around the world.

About your host

Profile picture for Ian Maluleka

Ian Maluleka